Chapter 10 Nail Disorders And Diseases

Chapter 10 nail disorders and diseases – Embarking on Chapter 10: Nail Disorders and Diseases, this chapter delves into the intricate world of nail pathology, providing a comprehensive exploration of common disorders and diseases affecting the nails. This chapter aims to equip readers with a thorough understanding of nail anatomy and physiology, enabling them to recognize, diagnose, and effectively manage a wide range of nail conditions.

Through a meticulous examination of symptoms, causes, and treatment options, this chapter serves as an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and enhance their clinical practice in nail care.

1. Nail Anatomy and Physiology

The nail unit consists of the nail plate, nail matrix, nail bed, and cuticle. The nail plate is the visible, hard part of the nail and is composed of keratinized cells. The nail matrix is located at the base of the nail and is responsible for producing the nail plate.

The nail bed is the soft tissue that lies beneath the nail plate and provides it with support. The cuticle is a thin layer of skin that covers the base of the nail and protects the nail matrix.

2. Common Nail Disorders

Chapter 10 nail disorders and diseases

Disorder Symptoms Causes Treatment
Onychomycosis Yellow or white discoloration of the nail, thickening of the nail, crumbling of the nail Fungal infection Antifungal medications
Paronychia Inflammation and swelling of the skin around the nail Bacterial or fungal infection, trauma Antibiotics or antifungals, drainage
Nail psoriasis Pitting of the nail, discoloration of the nail, thickening of the nail Autoimmune disorder Topical or systemic medications

3. Nail Diseases: Chapter 10 Nail Disorders And Diseases

Chapter 10 nail disorders and diseases


  • Bacterial infections: Paronychia, cellulitis
  • Fungal infections: Onychomycosis, candidiasis
  • Viral infections: Herpes simplex, human papillomavirus

Tumors, Chapter 10 nail disorders and diseases

  • Benign tumors: Glomus tumor, subungual exostosis
  • Malignant tumors: Squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma

Autoimmune Disorders

  • Psoriasis
  • Lichen planus
  • Alopecia areata

4. Nail Care and Prevention

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Proper nail care can help prevent nail disorders and diseases. Here are some tips:

  • Keep nails clean and dry.
  • Trim nails straight across and avoid cutting them too short.
  • Wear gloves when working with harsh chemicals.
  • Avoid biting or picking at nails.
  • Moisturize nails and cuticles regularly.

Question & Answer Hub

What are the most common nail disorders?

Onychomycosis, nail psoriasis, and paronychia are among the most prevalent nail disorders.

How can I prevent nail infections?

Maintaining good nail hygiene, wearing appropriate footwear, and avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals can help prevent nail infections.

What are the signs and symptoms of nail melanoma?

A dark streak or spot on the nail, changes in nail shape or texture, and bleeding are potential signs of nail melanoma.